In the good ole days of Qt 4 many places I worked had a policy of checking connect() results something like this:

bool rslt=true;

rslt &= connect( blah...)
rslt &= connect( blah...)
rslt &= connect( blah...)
rslt &= connect( blah...)
rslt &= connect( blah...)

if (!rslt) do someting

I'm now using qt5.4 from the _run file on Ubuntu 12.4.5 32-bit. According to the Assistant connect() is supposed to return QMetaObject::Connection. Ok, fine. According to the Assistant documentation one #include <Connection> should obtain a class definition which has a bool() method.

Problem 1: There is no Connection header file, but the IDE does seem to recognize the class.
Problem 2: There is no bool() method shown in the list of options. There is an operator RestrictedBool and something else called RestrictedBool

I _assume_ the doc hasn't caught up to the coding changes. Just want to know how I'm supposed to actually check it now. Hopefully the doc only has the header file wrong and this can quickly be resolved.
