I am making a text editor using QGraphicTextItem and QTextDocument clases and I have a problem with text that disappears.
I have inserted my custom item at the begining of the block:
I use my CharFormat for the item:
MyItemFormat myItemFormat(format, listId(), level);
(QString(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter), myItemFormat
QTextCharFormat format = cursor->charFormat();
MyItemFormat myItemFormat(format, listId(), level);
cursor->insertText(QString(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter), myItemFormat);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
Then I have registered handler class:
MyHandler* mh = new MyHandler(this);
document()->documentLayout()->registerHandler( MyItemFormat::Type, mh);
MyHandler* mh = new MyHandler(this);
document()->documentLayout()->registerHandler( MyItemFormat::Type, mh);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
I have reimplemented intristicSize and drawObject methods:
QSizeF MyHandler::intrinsicSize(QTextDocument * doc, int posInDocument,
const QTextFormat &format)
return QSizeF(30, 30);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
and a draw
QBrush charBrush
= charFormat.
QFont font
QColor charColor
= charBrush.
qDebug() << rect << " ; " << painter->pen() << " ; " << painter->font();
painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignBottom, imageText);
rect1.translate(-30, 0); // move new rect a little bit to the left to draw on left margin
imageText = "B";
qDebug() << rect1 << " ; " << painter->pen() << " ; " << painter->font();
painter->drawText(rect1, Qt::AlignBottom, imageText);
void MyHandler::drawObject(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
QTextDocument * doc, int posInDocument,
const QTextFormat &format)
QTextCharFormat charFormat = format.toCharFormat();
QBrush charBrush = charFormat.foreground();
QFont font(charFormat.font());
QColor charColor = charBrush.color();
QString imageText = "AA";
qDebug() << rect << " ; " << painter->pen() << " ; " << painter->font();
painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignBottom, imageText);
QRectF rect1(rect);
rect1.translate(-30, 0); // move new rect a little bit to the left to draw on left margin
imageText = "B";
qDebug() << rect1 << " ; " << painter->pen() << " ; " << painter->font();
painter->drawText(rect1, Qt::AlignBottom, imageText);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
And this works fine. AA is drawn on start of text block and B is drawn on left margin.
But, when I select some text in the text block AA is still visible, but B disappears.
Debug print is not changed when text in block is selected (still show correct rect size and position, and pen and font colors) but text B is not visible.
Any idea??? I sopose that drawObject is not intended for drawing outsidee the QTextBlock rectangle or something like that but I am sure that there is a way to override this problem, just I do not see it.