Hi everyone!
I am part of a team developing a new open source home automation platform written in Qt with the name "guh". The word "guh" is pronounced German, sounds like "goo" and stands for "gear up your home". We created a solid system for a generic, plugin based home automation server. We focus on stability, performance and reliability. It is designed to support many devices from different manufacturers, interfaces and protocols. The server contains a sophisticated rule engine, a device manager and a log engine.
If you are interested you can check out the source code and guh-wiki on github.
With guh you can combine every supported device to your individual smart home application.
We would be glad if you try it out and give us feedback, report bugs here and let us know what you think. We're happily accepting feature requests.
What would be the coolest feature in your smart home?
Please let us know, maybe we can make it possible. Share your ideas and experiences with us!
You can find us here in the forum, in the #guh IRC channel on freenode or over github.
Cheers, Simon