Quote Originally Posted by d_stranz View Post
Probably because the chronology of events following the double-click results in the model reporting that the parent you clicked on has children (i.e. rowCount() > 0), and so the tree expands.
Hmm.. its true.

Quote Originally Posted by d_stranz View Post
I've been reading your posts since you first started them a while back,
glad to hear this :-)

Quote Originally Posted by d_stranz View Post
I can't help but think that whoever is putting together the specification for the code you are writing doesn't really understand what they are asking for. In practical terms, no one will ever scroll thro.................................
Its true, may be I need to change my design & think in another way. But from my old posts I really did not get

1. why model should call all the top level items rowCount(), if it is for scroll bar its enough get to know rowCount() of invalid index. and get other items rowCount() when needed/scroll.
2. why should model call all the top level items rowCount() when we have variable headers.

I have already posted for the above problems. We have provided such a great MVC architecture, but not able to handle more data because of some reasons, hope they will get fixed in future version.

Thanks alot.