Hello People, please need some help again.
I have a file.txt with 8000 Lines and try to copy each lines in a dynamic [8000X1] Table.
The operation crashs because the number of rows is very long. A file with just 700 lines makes no problem.
I need please some help .

QString *inputFileTableDATA;

QFile Fileout(file);
if (!Fileout.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text ))
MessageBox::critical(this,"Problem","The file could not be found!");
int LinetotaL=0;
int NbrOfLine=8000;
QTextStream File_lines(&Fileout);
QString mylines = File_lines.readLine();

inputFileTableDATA = new QString [NbrOfLine];
while (!mylines.isNull())
mylines = File_lines.readLine();
inputFileTableDATA[LinetotaL]=mylines; ___<-------------------------//simulation stops here
