This should be a simple one, possibly with no miraculous answer as it may depend too much on the window manager, but I have run out of ideas to do this normally. This is a function I call to open new windows. Everything is working perfectly, however windows are all staying on top of the main window, and I would like them not to. parent=None is bad for me as the window closes straight away. Also, I prefer it close when main window closes, so setting the parent is better I think. I would like a reversed Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint sort of thing. Is there a simple way I missed in the huge list of window attr/flags?

Qt Code:
  1. def newScopeWindow(self): # TODO stop "always on top" behaviour
  2. window = ScopeFrame(self.radar_contacts, parent=self)
  3. window.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window)
  4. window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
  5. window.show()
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