
I'm not familiar with QItemDelegate/QStyledItemDelegate and I don't have any clue, how to use it to realize my purposes.

I'd like to display a calendar in a QTableWidget. Each QTableWidget cell represents a calendar day. If the user inserts some to-do points to a qlistwidget, these strings should be stored into the corresponding table cell, vertically aligned on the left of the cell.
Also, the user can mark some to-do points as more or less important. Depending on the importance, some different pictograms should also be stored into the table cell, positioned on the top right of the cell.

So all in all, I need to render my table cells with multiple strings in a block that should be aligned left centered in the cell and also some pictograms (e.g. .gif, .png, .jpg) in the top left corner of the cell.

I think, I can realize that with a QItemDelegate/QStyledItemDelegate, but I don't have any clue how to do that.
I was googleing for a long time now and I don't understand it. I know, I have to subclass Q(Styled)ItemDelegate and reimplement some basic functions like e.g. paint(...).

What I don't know is:
1. When and how are these functions called?
2. Which functions do I need for my purposes?
3. What do I have to do in these reimplemented functions?

When I try to google for it, I only get examples how to store QSpinBoxes or stuff like that into a table cell, but I need to know how to store multiple data and how to align each data differently in the corresponding table cell...

I would be really glad if someone could help me with that..

Thank you in anticipation!