Hey Guys,

I'm trying to produce an Android application with Debug Symbols so that I can read my crash dumps from Breakpad.

Right now when I try and debug my android app I get this dialog:

If I output verbose logs while deploying my application I see this line:
"Stripping libraries to minimize size."

I know there are some issues debugging on android (as you can see in the following link), but I'm currently testing with a KitKat device (Android 4.4).

I'm currently running QT Creator 3.2.2, Qt 5.4, Android NDK r10e. I have also tried different versions of Qt Creator and the Android NDK - but so far, I still have no luck.

1. Does anyone else have an android application debugging correctly? If so, what is your setup.
2. Is Qt stripping debug symbols for Android - and can I turn this off.
