Do you have any further insights?

I'm not familiar with the QNetworkAccessManager implementation myself, maybe someone else on the forum is? If so, I would very much welcome the input .

I cannot find any information about the maximum number of requests offered to QNetworkAccessManager simultaneously in the Qt 4.8 Documentation or anywhere else for that matter. I'm under the impression that it shouldn't be a problem for QNetworkAccessManager, but I could very well be wrong offcourse. It's all quite complex to me, as I'm still not quite familiar with asynchronous message handling.
I'm currently tempted to prototype a workaround to see if offering 6 requests to the QNAM at the same time solves the problem. I would then wait sending the next 6 requests once the previous 6 have been processed.

If anyone can shed some more light on the subject I would be very grateful.

Best Regards,
