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Thread: Qt5.5.1 Win32 App Developed by VS2013 Template "Qt Quick2 Application" Deploy Issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Qt products

    Exclamation Qt5.5.1 Win32 App Developed by VS2013 Template "Qt Quick2 Application" Deploy Issue

    Hi All,

    I downloaded 30 day trial version of Qt 5.5.1 and the Qt5 Visual Studio Add-in 1.2.4 and, installed on my x64 Windows 7 machine with Visual Studio 2013 Professional installed, successfully.

    Then I created a new VS2013 project with "Qt Quick2 Application" template. Selected ..\Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013 as the Qt Version in Visual Studio. Build the project and enjoyed Hello World! app.

    After that, I replaced main.qml page with some controls (very basic: a Grid, a few Columns and a Push Button. Yes, I got the correct imports as well) and then, build the project and enjoyed my own very-first app. All is good so far...

    Now, I wanted to deploy it and run outside of the VS2013 IDE. So, I copied my .exe file over to a separate folder by itself and ran the windeployqt tool as directed with --qmldir option to get all the dependencies lined up. All went well except, the windeployqt tool complaind about a VSREDIST (don't recall exact var name) path not set or something similar, which I could not get to resolve by myself. However, I copied the msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll to the same folder as the app executable along with vccorlib120.dll file. I got a bunch of folders created as result and the Qt5*.dlls and all in there with the executable. I basically followed the Windows Deployment instructions in Qt Assistant pages as best as I could (I am confident).

    When I double click the app executable, it runs but, screen is all white (no controls show up!). Does anybody know why?

    I admit that I am very new to Qt development, let alone to QML. Then without a clue, I searched everywhere in the web that I possibly could. I stumbled upon Depends tool as well as the Process Explorer tool which showed all .dll dependencies that my executable has. I copied all those .dlls (that were currently missing, from System32 and SysWOW64 folders) onto the same folder as where my app executable resides. So far, whenever the application runs, the screen showed no controls in it (white screen!). No other errors and, it is a very simple app (just one page).

    I am obviously missing something as a newbi... but, what it is?

  2. #2
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    Thumbs up Re: Qt5.5.1 Win32 App Developed by VS2013 Template "Qt Quick2 Application" Deploy Iss

    Last edited by Channa; 3rd November 2015 at 12:56. Reason: reformatted to look better

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