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Thread: Qt MFC Migration Toolkit

  1. #1

    Default Qt MFC Migration Toolkit

    I am working with the QtMFC Migration toolkit and I have a question about how to incorporate it into an existing MFC application.

    The application I am working with is split into 3 projects: The GUI QT project which generates a .lib file. The GUI DLL project which links with the GUI QT lib and generates a .dll and a .lib file. Last there is the MFC Application project which links with the GUI DLL project and generates an executable.

    MFC Application
    (links with gui.lib and QtGui.lib)
    (generates gui.lib and
    links with guiQt.lib and QtGui.lib)
    (generates guiQt.lib)

    I am going to override the CWinApp::Run method in the MFC Application project to use QMfcApp::run which will create a QApplication object and process both MFC and Qt messages. Now that a QApplication object has been created in the MFC Application project, will the method QApplication::instance( ), if called within the GUI DLL project, return a valid pointer to that same QApplication object?

    If not, is it safe for the MFC application project to call an exported method of the GUI DLL project and pass a valid QApplication pointer as a parameter? Am I going about this the wrong way? Is this a place to use the QMfcApp:luginInstance method instead?
    Last edited by average; 4th April 2007 at 19:49.

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