Hello everyone,
I am trying to develop an application with Qt 5.5 and OpenGL. The basic work of the application will be to load simple objects, modify their positions in a scene and save them together with other attributes (material, name, parents/child relations etc...).
The only thing I am struggling about for a week now is that I really don't know how I should take on the problem of synchronizing data. Let's say I have some kind of SceneGraph class which takes care of all SceneObjects. Those SceneGraphs should be rendered in a SceneView-Widget which can be used to modify it's Objects via transformations. Now how would I tell every SceneView that an Object changed it's position? I thought of the Model/View architecture for a moment but I am not really sure how this implementation should look like. What would be the best way to handle Objects like that in different Windows/Widgets but still have one single piece of data?
Thanks in advance and I am sorry I am still in the process of learning gui-development with Qt.
Overview of my general idea for the implementation:
-Holds the mesh-information (verticies, uvs, etc..)
-Has a name (QString)
-Has a material
-Has a transform storing position, rotation and scaling information
(Important: these datatypes should be synchronized in all views)
-Contains different SceneObjects and is passed to SceneViews
-The QWidget responsible for drawing the Scene correctly in any QWindow.
-Has it's own camera to move around.
-Handles UserInput and allows transformation of SceneObjects.