
I want to know whether it is possible to create run configuration programmatically, i.e. through .pro file? I am quiet new to Qt, and the problem I am facing is with run configuration. I have a piece of source code, which I want to make it run on Windows + Mac OS. I have configured on my Windows machine, two run configurations, one for windows and another for mac. Now I bundle this project in a single zip file and pass it onto the Mac machine. There all the run configurations are reset and they are not the same as I had set in windows. I tested the same on another windows based computer, there also I faced the same issue. So, my question is How do I retain run configurations on different systems? I felt there would be some option to implement it using .pro file. Kindly give me your suggestions on this issue.

Note: I don't have any problem with setting Build configurations through .pro file. I face problem only with Run configurations.

Thanks in advance

Rakesh Patil