
I am building an app where I try to talk to an external webserver. At the moment I am opening php files on the server with specific get variables and the sever answers with a xml file. On the server are user specific information where the user needs to login to have access. To the login over my app I would like to secure the connection to the server by using SSL. Unfortunately I only have a self-signed SSL certificate available, witch is not working out of the box. Currently I am getting a SSL handshake failed error message.

Is there a way in QML to accept self-signed SSL certs?

Here is what I am currently doing and what is working with http

Qt Code:
  1. Page {
  2. id: root
  3. property string dataURL: "https://..."
  4. property bool modelDataError: false
  5. property string statusMessage: ""
  6. property string filter: ""
  7. property var datum : new Date()
  8. property int jetzt: datum.getTime()/1000 - 24*3600
  10. XmlListModel {
  11. id: planModel
  12. source: root.dataURL
  13. query: "/xml/"
  14. ...
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