I am new to Qt and Qwt so I apologize in advance for the simplicity of my question. I am using Qt 5

I created a QwtDial and QwtKnob and wanted to connect a signal to see the value change. I also created a QDial and did the same thing. the signals work correctly when I move the Qdial.

d_knob = new QwtKnob;

connect(d_knob, SIGNAL(d_knob->sliderMoved(double)), this, SLOT(testQwtDialSliderMoved(double)));

when I run I get the message:
QObject::connect: No such signal QwtKnob::d_knob->sliderMoved(double) in ..\qwt_test\mainwindow.cpp:51
QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWindow')

I am sure I am missing something very simple. I am not getting a signal sent from QwtDial or QwtKnow but I am getting the signal from QDial.

in my header file:
public Q_SLOTS:
void testQDialSliderMoved(int value);
void testQwtDialSliderMoved(double value);

any help would be appreciated.