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Thread: QTableView and Large data sets

  1. #1
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    Default QTableView and Large data sets

    I am in the process of rewritting an app that does the following. Pulls in tens of millions of 64 Byte records from a data acquisition card and then display the data in a table with about 4-6 columns. I will not need to sort the data, I just want to display the data. The previous owner was trying to just load the data into a QAbstractItemModel and then load this directly into a QTableView. However, as several posts here and other places point out that this is really really slow with this size of dataset. Some suggest using a "proxyModel or Custom Model" to only pull the part of the data set from the file into the QTableView using the location of the current scroll bar as the "index". Where can I find a good example of this or what would you suggest?

    Last edited by KenJustKen; 24th January 2016 at 21:35.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QTableView and Large data sets

    What do you mean with "load the data into a QAbstractItemModel"?
    Usually the model is only the interface to the data.

    How does your application store and access the data?


  3. #3
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    Default Re: QTableView and Large data sets

    The data is stored as 32 byte binary records on the disk after being read from the acquisition card.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: QTableView and Large data sets

    If the data format allows you to determine file position based on the index of a record, then you could create a model that access the data in the file directly.

    Potentially using a memory mapped file and/or caching some records in memory.

    E.g. some header offset aside, if the first record starts at 0*32 and the second starts at 1*32 and so on, then you can simply determine the model's row count by fileSize/32.
    And the model's data can simply seek to index.row() * 32 to retrieve the record.


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