I'm studying QtTableWidget. I've been going through the docs, and I'd like to know a few things that I wasn't able to understand.
I have a table with only 1 column and 8 rows. Each cell filled with a delicious fruit as item. I have a function that just prints "you clicked..." And then the name of the fruit. Currently I have a push button that makes use of the .currentItem() to get the cell I have selected and fires off the function.

What I'd like to know:

1) can I get rid of the button and just have the click fire of the function? So, I have the table, I click on 'Apple' cell and it fires off the function.

2) how do I setup this table so when I move my mouse over a cell, it highlights. And when I move my mouse away, it dims.

3) I didn't see anything about right-click context in the docs(table widget section) is there another class that handles that magic?

4) I have auto-scroll set to true. How would I go about setting the thickness of the scroll bar?

5) can I add images and video in each cell? Like a thumbnail.

6) how would I change the cell size? Can I tell the cells to be, say, 20x20 pixels?

I'm using PyQt
