I understand that's it's better to keep it in the direction from C++ to QML and not make it bidirectional
However, the app has been designed with the requirement to be bidirectional to set certain properties.
Here's the code implementation but I still get this error, that tab pointer isn't initialized.
var last = tabview.count-1;
tabview.getTab(last).active = true;
t.item.partsModel = model.getMenuModel(i)
t.objectName = "tabItem"
var last = tabview.count-1;
tabview.getTab(last).active = true;
t.item.partsModel = model.getMenuModel(i)
t.objectName = "tabItem"
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
To recover from Qt/C++, done in the overridden class using QQuickView
QQuickItem* tab= view->rootObject()->findChild<QQuickItem*>("tabItem");
QQuickItem* tab= view->rootObject()->findChild<QQuickItem*>("tabItem");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
Can you suggest what am I missing?