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Thread: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    2.Delegate changes for different model , different delegates are used.Some delegates, has to show only one information in field in list , some two , some more.
    So there is no direct association between model and delegate?
    You need to switch delegate even if the model stays the same?
    Base on some data in the model?

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    3.I tried the 3rd one , but whenever i am assigning from one delegate to another , it first goes and executes the first delegate and then the other one , hence i am getting reference errors, there is some context problem i think.
    That sounds strange.
    Can you give an example of how the binding for the delegate property looked in such a case?

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    I did not understand the first and 2nd option how to do it. If possible , please can you give a small code snippet for those 2 options.
    In the first option you have some property in the item that gets loaded that is set to one of the object that always exist, e.g. the main delegate.
    The loaded item always accesses that object's properties.

    For the second option just look at the documentation of the Binding element:
    The target would be the Loader's "item", the property whatever it has and the value would be the "model" expression.

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    5.I hope i can make you understand .
    It is quite difficult to answer questions on such a highly abstract level, so any example would help.


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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Thank you very much for the reply.

    So there is no direct association between model and delegate?
    You need to switch delegate even if the model stays the same?
    Base on some data in the model?

    Yes there is direct association between model and delegate , for a specific model we have to show the details in a specific format.
    So i have taken a specific delegate, for one model one delegate.Since we are getting the model from C++ and i see that this model contains data which is
    not present in another models , so i have to make different delegates for different model , since my requirement is like that.

    Can you give an example of how the binding for the delegate property looked in such a case?

    Since my model is changing suppose the user has chosen some new categaory on a button press

    Hence i am doing like

    mylistview.model=newmodel//the new model for the category
    mylistview.delegate =newdelegate//the new way i have to show the data with new fields

    Here in the above case i see when i assign like this it once again goes and executes the mylistview.delegate and then it goes to execute the newdelegate , hence in the previous case "mylistview.delegate" is executed and since the model is changed to the new model hence i get reference error.

    In the first option you have some property in the item that gets loaded that is set to one of the object that always exist, e.g. the main delegate.
    The loaded item always accesses that object's properties.

    This wont be useful in my case as i have dynamic model

    For the second option just look at the documentation of the Binding element:
    The target would be the Loader's "item", the property whatever it has and the value would be the "model" expression.

    I already tried the above like below
    property variant mymodel = model from C++

    Binding {
    target: myloader.item
    property: "mymodel "
    value: mymodel
    when: loader.status == Loader.Ready
    but i see that the delegate is not able to access the data in this case.
    however if i do something like this
    inside loader

    property var myalbumname = albumname //this is one role inside model

    In the above case i am able to access the data in delegate but if iam trying to expose model as whole in loader i am not , i am not able to figure out where i am going wrong.

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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    Yes there is direct association between model and delegate , for a specific model we have to show the details in a specific format.
    Ah, that should make it easier.

    So there is a property that returns the current model.
    Either on the same object or on each model have a property that returns some kind of identifier.

    Then in QML, you use that identifier to switch between Components for the delegate

    Qt Code:
    1. ListView {
    2. model: cppObject.currentModel
    3. delegate: switch (cppObject.currentDelegate) {
    4. case "album": return albumDelegate;
    5. //....
    6. }
    7. }
    9. Component {
    10. id: albumDelegate
    12. Text {
    13. text: model.albumname
    14. }
    15. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    Hence i am doing like

    mylistview.model=newmodel//the new model for the category
    mylistview.delegate =newdelegate//the new way i have to show the data with new fields

    Here in the above case i see when i assign like this it once again goes and executes the mylistview.delegate and then it goes to execute the newdelegate , hence in the previous case "mylistview.delegate" is executed and since the model is changed to the new model hence i get reference error.
    I see.
    Maybe first set the delegate to undefined, then change the model, then set the delegate to the new one

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    I already tried the above like below
    property variant mymodel = model from C++

    Binding {
    target: myloader.item
    property: "mymodel "
    value: mymodel
    when: loader.status == Loader.Ready
    but i see that the delegate is not able to access the data in this case.
    however if i do something like this
    inside loader

    property var myalbumname = albumname //this is one role inside model

    In the above case i am able to access the data in delegate but if iam trying to expose model as whole in loader i am not , i am not able to figure out where i am going wrong.
    You don't want to access the model inside the delegate, but as usual the current index in the model, i.e. the data at for the current item.
    But that doesn't help you anyway since your delegates all need different data.


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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Thanks for the reply.
    I understand from your reply that now i have to switch between the components , but as i will be assigning from one previous to the new delegate , again i will get a reference error , just to verify what you suggested i have written a small example which contains 2 models and 2 delegates and i try to assign it alternatively , but as i am doing the first assignment of model and delegate in the first mouse click i get refernce error as usual

    qml: entering assigning model
    qrc:/main.qml:57: ReferenceError: name is not defined
    qrc:/main.qml:57: ReferenceError: name is not defined
    qrc:/main.qml:57: ReferenceError: name is not defined
    qrc:/main.qml:64: ReferenceError: mylistview is not defined
    qml: entering assigning modeln

    Also below i am posting the code i wrote , please can you suggest how to get out of these errors.
    Qt Code:
    1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3. import QtQuick 2.3
    4. import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    6. Window {
    7. visible: true
    9. MouseArea {
    10. anchors.fill: parent
    11. onClicked: {
    12. console.log("entering assigning model")
    13. mylistview.model=model2
    14. mylistview.delegate=comp2
    15. }
    16. }
    20. ListModel{
    21. id:model1
    22. ListElement{
    23. name:"Element1"
    24. }
    25. ListElement{
    26. name:"Element2"
    27. }
    28. ListElement{
    29. name:"Element3"
    30. }
    31. }
    33. ListModel{
    34. id:model2
    35. ListElement{
    36. fame:"Element4"
    37. }
    38. ListElement{
    39. fame:"Element5"
    40. }
    41. ListElement{
    42. fame:"Element6"
    43. }
    44. }
    46. Component
    47. {
    48. id:comp1
    49. Row{
    50. Rectangle
    51. {
    52. width:50
    53. height:50
    54. color:"red"
    55. border.width: 2
    56. border.color: "black"
    57. Text {
    59. text: name
    60. }
    61. MouseArea {
    62. anchors.fill: parent
    63. onClicked: {
    64. console.log("entering assigning model")
    65. mylistview.model=model2
    66. mylistview.delegate=comp2
    67. }
    69. }
    70. }
    71. }
    72. }
    73. Component
    74. {
    75. id:comp2
    76. Row{
    77. Rectangle
    78. {
    79. width:50
    80. height:50
    81. color:"blue"
    82. border.width: 2
    83. border.color: "black"
    84. Text {
    86. text: fame
    87. }
    88. MouseArea {
    89. anchors.fill: parent
    90. onClicked: {
    91. console.log("entering assigning model")
    92. mylistview.delegate=comp1
    93. mylistview.model=model1
    95. }
    98. }
    100. }
    102. }
    103. }
    104. ListView
    105. {
    106. id:mylistview
    107. anchors.fill: parent
    108. model:model1
    109. delegate: comp1
    110. }
    111. }
    113. ////////////////////////////////////
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Last edited by anda_skoa; 17th May 2016 at 22:42. Reason: missing [code] tags

  5. #5
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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Looks like you forgot the "assign undefined" part suggested above.

    But then again, why worry about such a transient "error"


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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    When i am trying to access the data of the second model from the mouse click , it is not happening , it cannot access the model data.

    Can you also suggest how can i assign undefined to a delegate.

    I tried something like this
    mylistview.delegate = undefined
    But this did not work out

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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    I tried something like this
    mylistview.delegate = undefined
    But this did not work out
    Yes, that's what I had in mind.
    What does "not work out" mean?

    If it can't do the assignment, you could try an "empty" delegate component, i.e. a component with just an empty Item{}


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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Thank you for the reply
    I tried the above suggestions but again the reference error issue , now the mylistview itself is not available.

    Below is the whole code which i tried:

    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.3
    2. import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    4. Window {
    5. visible: true
    8. Component{
    9. id:emptycomp
    10. Item{}
    12. }
    14. ListModel{
    15. id:model1
    16. ListElement{
    17. name:"Element1"
    18. }
    19. ListElement{
    20. name:"Element2"
    21. }
    22. ListElement{
    23. name:"Element3"
    24. }
    25. }
    27. ListModel{
    28. id:model2
    29. ListElement{
    30. fame:"Element4"
    31. }
    32. ListElement{
    33. fame:"Element5"
    34. }
    35. ListElement{
    36. fame:"Element6"
    37. }
    38. }
    40. Component
    41. {
    42. id:comp1
    43. Row{
    44. Rectangle
    45. {
    46. width:50
    47. height:50
    48. color:"red"
    49. border.width: 2
    50. border.color: "black"
    51. Text {
    53. text: name
    54. }
    55. MouseArea {
    56. anchors.fill: parent
    57. onClicked: {
    58. console.log("entering assigning model")
    59. mylistview.delegate=emptycomp
    60. mylistview.model=model2
    61. mylistview.delegate=comp2
    62. }
    64. }
    65. }
    66. }
    67. }
    68. Component
    69. {
    70. id:comp2
    71. Row{
    72. Rectangle
    73. {
    74. width:50
    75. height:50
    76. color:"blue"
    77. border.width: 2
    78. border.color: "black"
    79. Text {
    81. text: fame
    82. }
    83. MouseArea {
    84. anchors.fill: parent
    85. onClicked: {
    86. console.log("entering assigning model")
    87. mylistview.delegate=emptycomp
    88. mylistview.delegate=comp1
    89. mylistview.model=model1
    91. }
    94. }
    96. }
    98. }
    99. }
    100. ListView
    101. {
    102. id:mylistview
    103. anchors.fill: parent
    104. model:model1
    105. delegate: comp1
    106. }
    107. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Last edited by anda_skoa; 18th May 2016 at 15:44. Reason: missing [code] tags

  9. #9
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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Thank you fro all the support , the problem is solved

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    Default Re: multiple delegates and multiple models use in same list view in same qml

    Quote Originally Posted by sidhansh View Post
    Thank you fro all the support , the problem is solved
    May I know how you solved the problem? I'm having exactly same issue. Thanks!

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