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Thread: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

  1. #1
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    Default QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    I keep getting a segmentation violation in my second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem().

    The following code works the first time, but after terminating/reloading QDialog, QApplication, etc. (called in a DLL), code fails consistently on second use!?! Makes me wonder if the destructors terminated cleanly, or if I might have reinitialize QApplication differently.

    Suggestions, please? Here is my code in question...

    Qt Code:
    1. pgs->setSceneRect(0.0, 0.0, 70.0, 80.0);
    2. QSize qs(70, 80);
    4. PBITMAPINFOHEADER pDIBInfoHeader; //populated elsewhere
    5. int width = pDIBInfoHeader->biWidth;
    6. int height = pDIBInfoHeader->biHeight;
    8. uchar *pBits = (uchar *)m_pImage + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    9. QImage *pqi = new QImage((uchar *)pBits, width, height, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
    10. QImage qiFlip = pqi->mirrored(false, true); //flip image vertically
    11. delete pqi;
    12. ppm->convertFromImage(qiFlip.scaled(qs, Qt::KeepAspectRatio), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
    13. SIGSEGV >>> pgs->addItem(ppm);
    15. ui->grXray->setScene(pgs); // set the scene into QGraphicsView
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Notes: pgs is the only item in the scene. The scene is not active

    I rebuilt QT with debug options for Windows MSVC 2015, and can see lots of detail, but the intricacies of C++ templates, QVariant and QMetaType escape me.

    Where should I look for corruption?

    Thanks, Lee

    Here is more detail of SIGSEGV:

    QMetaType::construct(void * where, const void * copy) Line 2153 C++
    `anonymous namespace'::customConstruct(QVariant::Private * d, const void * copy) Line 1020 C++
    QVariant::QVariant(const QVariant & p) Line 1372 C++
    QGraphicsItem::itemChange(QGraphicsItem::GraphicsI temChange change, const QVariant & value) Line 7447 C++
    QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem * item) Line 2496 C++

    QT code snippets:

    inline void *QMetaType::construct(void *where, const void *copy) const
    if (Q_UNLIKELY(isExtended(ConstructEx)))
    return constructExtended(where, copy);
    >>> return m_constructor(where, copy);

    QVariant::QVariant(const QVariant &p)
    : d(p.d)
    if (d.is_shared) {>ref.ref();
    } else if (p.d.type > Char) {
    >>> handlerManager[d.type]->construct(&d, p.constData());
    d.is_null = p.d.is_null;

    Is p.d.type=1028 valid for Qvariant type?

    Value of p:
    - d {data={c=32 ' ' uc=32 ' ' s=-13536 ...} type=1028 is_shared=0 ...} QVariant::Private
    - data {c=32 ' ' uc=32 ' ' s=-13536 ...} QVariant::Private:ata
    c 32 ' ' char
    uc 32 ' ' unsigned char
    s -13536 short
    sc 32 ' ' char
    us 52000 unsigned short
    i 108055328 int
    u 108055328 unsigned int
    l 108055328 long
    ul 108055328 unsigned long
    b true (32) bool
    d 3.6078682250845646e-308 double
    f 4.52882158e-35 float
    real 3.6078682250845646e-308 double
    ll 7302406583929632 __int64
    ull 7302406583929632 unsigned __int64
    + o 0x0670cb20 {...} QObject * {QuickRayHD.ds!QGraphicsScene}
    ptr 0x0670cb20 void *
    + shared 0x0670cb20 {ptr=0x0394846c {QuickRayHD.ds!const QGraphicsScene::`local vftable'} ref={...} } QVariant::PrivateShared *
    type 1028 unsigned int
    is_shared 0 unsigned int
    is_null 0 unsigned int

    void QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem *item)
    // Notify the item that its scene is changing, and allow the item to
    // react.
    const QVariant newSceneVariant(item->itemChange(QGraphicsItem::ItemSceneChange,
    >>>>>>> QVariant::fromValue<QGraphicsScene *>(this)));

    Value of this 0x0670cb20 {...} QGraphicsScene * {QuickRayHD.ds!QGraphicsScene}
    - [QGraphicsScene] {...} QuickRayHD.ds!QGraphicsScene
    - QObject {d_ptr=scoped pointer to a dynamically allocated object of type "QObjectData" } QuickRayHD.ds!QObject
    + __vfptr 0x0394846c {QuickRayHD.ds!const QGraphicsScene::`local vftable'} {0x03930436 {QuickRayHD.ds!QGraphicsScene::metaObject(void)con st }, ...} void * *
    - d_ptr scoped pointer to a dynamically allocated object of type "QObjectData" QuickRayHD.ds!QScopedPointer<QObjectData,QScopedPo interDeleter<QObjectData> >
    [is null] false bool
    - [Raw View] {d=0x066f5cc0 {changedSignalIndex=3 processDirtyItemsIndex=20 polishItemsIndex=19 ...} } QuickRayHD.ds!QScopedPointer<QObjectData,QScopedPo interDeleter<QObjectData> >
    - d 0x066f5cc0 {changedSignalIndex=3 processDirtyItemsIndex=20 polishItemsIndex=19 ...} QuickRayHD.ds!QObjectData * {QGraphicsScenePrivate}
    - [QGraphicsScenePrivate] {changedSignalIndex=3 processDirtyItemsIndex=20 polishItemsIndex=19 ...} QGraphicsScenePrivate
    + QObjectPrivate {extraData=0x00000000 <NULL> threadData=0x005cc3e8 {_ref={...} loopLevel=1 eventLoops={ size = 0 } ...} ...} QObjectPrivate
    changedSignalIndex 3 int
    processDirtyItemsIndex 20 int
    polishItemsIndex 19 int
    indexMethod BspTreeIndex (0) QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod
    + index 0x0670ca40 {...} QGraphicsSceneIndex * {QGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndex}
    lastItemCount 0 int
    + sceneRect { x = 0.00000000000000000, y = 0.00000000000000000, width = 70.000000000000000, height = 80.000000000000000 } QRectF
    hasSceneRect 1 unsigned int
    dirtyGrowingItemsBoundingRect 1 unsigned int
    updateAll 1 unsigned int
    calledEmitUpdated 1 unsigned int
    processDirtyItemsEmitted 0 unsigned int
    needSortTopLevelItems 1 unsigned int
    holesInTopLevelSiblingIndex 0 unsigned int
    topLevelSequentialOrdering 1 unsigned int
    scenePosDescendantsUpdatePending 0 unsigned int
    stickyFocus 0 unsigned int
    hasFocus 0 unsigned int
    lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab 0 unsigned int
    allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents 1 unsigned int
    allItemsUseDefaultCursor 1 unsigned int
    painterStateProtection 1 unsigned int
    sortCacheEnabled 0 unsigned int
    allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents 1 unsigned int
    padding 26342 unsigned int
    minimumRenderSize 0.00000000000000000 double
    + growingItemsBoundingRect { x = 0.00000000000000000, y = 0.00000000000000000, width = 0.00000000000000000, height = 0.00000000000000000 } QRectF
    + updatedRects { size = 0 } QList<QRectF>
    + selectionArea {d_ptr=scoped pointer to a dynamically allocated object of type "QPainterPathPrivate" } QPainterPath
    selectionChanging 0 int
    + selectedItems { size = 0 } QSet<QGraphicsItem *>
    + unpolishedItems { size = 0 } QVector<QGraphicsItem *>
    + topLevelItems { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + movingItemsInitialPositions { size = 0 } QHash<QGraphicsItem *,QPointF>
    + scenePosItems { size = 0 } QSet<QGraphicsItem *>
    + backgroundBrush {d=scoped pointer to a dynamically allocated object of type "QBrushData" } QBrush
    + foregroundBrush {d=scoped pointer to a dynamically allocated object of type "QBrushData" } QBrush
    rectAdjust 2 unsigned int
    + focusItem 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + lastFocusItem 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + passiveFocusItem 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + tabFocusFirst 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsWidget *
    + activePanel 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + lastActivePanel 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    activationRefCount 0 int
    childExplicitActivation 0 int
    + popupWidgets { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsWidget *>
    + lastMouseGrabberItem 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + mouseGrabberItems { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + keyboardGrabberItems { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + dragDropItem 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsItem *
    + enterWidget 0x00000000 <NULL> QGraphicsWidget *
    lastDropAction IgnoreAction (0) Qt:ropAction
    + cachedItemsUnderMouse { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + hoverItems { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + lastSceneMousePos { x = 0.00000000000000000, y = 0.00000000000000000 } QPointF
    + mouseGrabberButtonDownPos { size = 0 } QMap<enum Qt::MouseButton,QPointF>
    + mouseGrabberButtonDownScenePos { size = 0 } QMap<enum Qt::MouseButton,QPointF>
    + mouseGrabberButtonDownScreenPos { size = 0 } QMap<enum Qt::MouseButton,QPoint>
    + views { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsView *>
    + sceneEventFilters { size = 0 } QMultiMap<QGraphicsItem *,QGraphicsItem *>
    + style 0x00000000 <NULL> QStyle *
    + font {d=pointer to explicit shared object of type "QFontPrivate" resolve_mask=0 } QFont
    + palette {d=0x0064f5e8 {...} data={current_group=0 resolve_mask=0 } for_faster_swapping_dont_use=0 } QPalette
    + styleOptionTmp {exposedRect={ x = 0.00000000000000000, y = 0.00000000000000000, width = 0.00000000000000000, height = 0.00000000000000000 } ...} QStyleOptionGraphicsItem
    + sceneCurrentTouchPoints { size = 0 } QMap<int,QTouchEvent::TouchPoint>
    + itemForTouchPointId { size = 0 } QMap<int,QGraphicsItem *>
    + cachedTargetItems { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsObject *>
    + cachedItemGestures { size = 0 } QHash<QGraphicsObject *,QSet<QGesture *> >
    + cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures { size = 0 } QHash<QGraphicsObject *,QSet<QGesture *> >
    + gestureTargets { size = 0 } QHash<QGesture *,QGraphicsObject *>
    + grabbedGestures { size = 0 } QHash<enum Qt::GestureType,int>
    + modalPanels { size = 0 } QList<QGraphicsItem *>
    + __vfptr 0x64b11d18 {Qt5Widgetsd.dll!const QGraphicsScenePrivate::`vftable'} {0x644dcf99 {Qt5Widgetsd.dll!QGraphicsScenePrivate::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)}} void * *
    + q_ptr 0x0670cb20 {...} QuickRayHD.ds!QObject * {QuickRayHD.ds!QGraphicsScene}
    + parent 0x00000000 <NULL> QuickRayHD.ds!QObject *
    + children {p={d=0x066c4ce8 {ref={atomic={_q_value=1 } } alloc=4 begin=0 ...} } d=0x066c4ce8 {ref={atomic={_q_value=...} } ...} } QuickRayHD.ds!QList<QObject *>
    isWidget 0 unsigned int
    blockSig 0 unsigned int
    wasDeleted 0 unsigned int
    isDeletingChildren 0 unsigned int
    sendChildEvents 1 unsigned int
    receiveChildEvents 1 unsigned int
    isWindow 0 unsigned int
    unused 26975131 unsigned int
    postedEvents 1 int
    metaObject 0x00000000 <NULL> QuickRayHD.ds!QDynamicMetaObjectData *
    Last edited by anda_skoa; 16th May 2016 at 20:35. Reason: missing [code] tags

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    Is "ppm" properly initialized?


  3. #3
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    Yes the original snippet omitted key lines

    QGraphicsScene *pgs = new QGraphicsScene();
    pgs->setSceneRect(0.0, 0.0, 70.0, 80.0);
    QSize qs(70, 80);

    int width = pDIBInfoHeader->biWidth;
    int height = pDIBInfoHeader->biHeight;

    uchar *pBits = (uchar *)m_pImage + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    QImage *pqi = new QImage((uchar *)pBits, width, height, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
    QImage qiFlip = pqi->mirrored(false, true); //flip image vertically
    delete pqi;

    >>> QPixmap *ppm = new QPixmap;
    ppm->convertFromImage(qiFlip.scaled(qs, Qt::KeepAspectRatio), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
    QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(*ppm, 0);
    delete ppm;


  4. #4
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    ppm->convertFromImage(qiFlip.scaled(qs, Qt::KeepAspectRatio), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
    What makes you so confident that this method worked? Or that qiFlip is non-null? You aren't checking any return values, and if there is a bad image in there constructing a QGraphicsPixmapItem from a null pixmap probably isn't going to work all that well.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    QPixmap::convertFromImage() worked the first time, and the same image was displayed, but to make sure about the second call, I added a check:

    if (QPixmap::convertFromImage(...)) and it was true.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    What happens if you call QGraphicsScene::addPixmap()? And it isn't necessary to allocate all these image instances on the heap if all you are going to do is use them for conversions and then throw them away.

    Qt Code:
    1. uchar *pBits = (uchar *)m_pImage + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    2. QImage qi((uchar *)pBits, width, height, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
    3. QImage qiFlip = qi.mirrored(false, true); //flip image vertically
    5. pm.convertFromImage(qiFlip.scaled(qs, Qt::KeepAspectRatio), Qt::NoFormatConversion);
    7. pgs->addPixmap( pm );
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  7. #7
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    Thanks, I tried your suggestions, with similar SIGSEGV on second invocation :

    QMetaType::construct(void * where, const void * copy) Line 2153 C++
    `anonymous namespace'::customConstruct(QVariant::Private * d, const void * copy) Line 1020 C++
    QVariant::QVariant(const QVariant & p) Line 1372 C++
    QGraphicsItem::itemChange(QGraphicsItem::GraphicsI temChange change, const QVariant & value) Line 7447 C++
    QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem * item) Line 2494 C++
    QGraphicsScene::addPixmap(const QPixmap & pixmap) Line 2749 C++

  8. #8
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    Default Re: QT 5.6: Segmentation violation in second call to QGraphicsScene::addItem()

    with similar SIGSEGV on second invocation
    What "second invocation"? You only add the pixmap once to the scene after both the scene and pixmap are created, at least in the code you have shown so far. Have you omitted maybe a few more "key lines" from your snippet?

    If you want help in solving the problem, you are going to have to post at least enough of the code in context so we can get an idea of what might be going wrong. It isn't in the code you have posted thus far.

    And please use CODE tags when posting source code so it is more readable. Click "Go Advanced" and then the "#" icon to insert the tags. Paste your code between them.

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