
I know this problem isn't uncommon, but all the other solutions didn't work for me.
As I'm new to Qt I'm probably overlooking something simple.

I want to access OpenStreetMap data with the Qt Widget QMapControl.
I downloaded the most recent version from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qmapcontrol/

Now, in this package there is a directory "samples", but I can't get to run any of them.
I open the .pro file of one and already tried repeatedly (re-)building, qmaking and cleaning up the project.

But the error message is always some variation of "error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'obj\filename.obj'".
Also, in the build\obj folder, the file is not present, only "moc_filename.obj"

I'm using Qt 5.6.0 MSVC2015 64bit and Windows 10, so I'm wondering if it might be related to that?
