I Have Installed qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015-5.6.0.exe and I have visual studio 2015 in my computer (windows 10 64 bit). But when I am running any program it is giving me this error.
error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
I have this specification in window "About Qt Creator".
Based on Qt 5.6.0(MSVC 2013,32 bit).
But in my computer:
From the menu of QtCreator, I Opened "Tools>Options>Build&Run>Compilers". No auto-detected configuration.
I try to add manual with this specification but it does not work and I have same error:
Compiler path:C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015\bin\windeployqt.ex e
Make path: C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015\bin\qmake.exe
Path: C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015\bin\qmake.exe