I have been tasked with drawing 2D objects that have been subclassed from QGraphicsItems in QT onto a projected 2D osgEarth Map.

I have been reading the various forums and have learned that there is no easy way of combining osgearth::qtgui::viewerwidget(QGLWidgets) and QGraphics and the quick fix is to set the QGraphicsView's viewport as my qGLWidget.
I have attempted this but it does not produce the desired effect.

I would like to both have a dynamic/user controllable map which I have before setting the viewport, and a controllable qgraphicsview but if i set the view port with my projected map I lose control of the map.

I have to believe that there have been other people that have attempted this project I am looking for someone to throw out a lifeline.

I am rather new to osgEarth but reasonably versed in Qt and C++.