Quote Originally Posted by MichaH View Post
The file is loaded correctly into my tableview and as said i just want to update the tableview during runtime which should work with e.g. the dataChanged() signal.
The only code you have posted so far that contains an emit for that signal is setData(), but you have not posted any code that calls setData().

As far as we can tell you just never execute any code that emits dataChanged()

Quote Originally Posted by MichaH View Post
My only problem is that it's not inserted during runtime.
You haven't posted any code that would insert data.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaH View Post
I've read a lot about the dataChanged() signal which should be fired as soon as the data (row / column change) of the file changes
It is emitted then you tell your model to emit it.
Which you do in setData().
Which you don't seem to call at all.

Given your data it is probably never emitted, as that would require that a log record changes.
But in all likelyhood you are just appending new records to the log file.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaH View Post
Somehow one can connect it to repaint, update, whatever the tableview to automatically show newly added data during runtime.
The table view does that internally.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaH View Post
And that is what's not working in my case and I simply don't know why..
You mean that when you edit a cell in the table view through the UI, then it doesn't call setData()?
Or that setData() is being called but the signal is not emitted?
