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Thread: Dynamically scale QLabel with QImage to content while keeping aspect ratio

  1. #1
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    Default Dynamically scale QLabel with QImage to content while keeping aspect ratio

    I have a QImage that I want to show in the application (easiest way seems to be through a QLabel). However the application is meant to be able to use on different screen sizes, which means I can't just keep a rigid image size and call it a day. Using setScaledContent(true) is almost perfectly what I'm looking for, but unfortunately it doesn't care about aspect ratio.

    Any ideas?

    edit: Should probably have mentioned. I'm using QT 5.5.1 on Windows
    Last edited by Excludos; 2nd September 2016 at 12:13.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Dynamically scale QLabel with QImage to content while keeping aspect ratio

    You can scale the image before setting it on the label, usnig the label's size as the target size.

    QImage::scaled() has flags for things like keeping the aspect ratio


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Dynamically scale QLabel with QImage to content while keeping aspect ratio

    That's only if you already know what size it needs to be. I figured if you setSizePolicy to MinimumExpanding in both directions, you can save the qlabel's width and height as int and use that in the QImage::scaled() method. That still requires you to set all your layouts correctly of course, or both widgets will just use half the layout each.

    But thanks for the answer!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Dynamically scale QLabel with QImage to content while keeping aspect ratio


    You can catch the "resizeEvent" of you main window(or your QLabel) and there you can resize the QImage to fit the new QLabel size. Remeber to keep the original QImage
    Òscar Llarch i Galán

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