
I'm trying to increase the y property in each object from the "targets" list:

Qt Code:
  1. ParallelAnimation{
  3. PropertyAnimation
  4. {
  5. target: 0.children[0];
  6. properties: "height";
  7. to:0.children[0].implicitHeight ;
  8. duration: 300
  9. }
  10. PropertyAnimation
  11. {
  12. targets: [1,2];
  13. properties: "y";
  14. to: y + 0.children[0].implicitHeight; //here I want to add the height of the gray square to 1.y and 2.y individually but it returns 0, button 1 and 2 overlap.
  15. duration: 300;
  16. }
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This image shows what I want to achieve.


When I click on the button 0 the gray square shows up and in the same time button 1 and 2 go down.
What is the best way to achieve this without adding new PropertyAnimation for each target button?
