Hey, this is probarly pretty obvious, and is just a case of me missing something (I've looked, I swear) but..

I want to have a vertical row of labels, with horizontal lines aligned beside them.
This image is my closest approximation:

Now, this would be perfect if I could make the right column (the one with the horizontal lines in it) larger than the left, but as it stands, they're always equal and I can't see how to change that, leaving a big space between the text and the line.

I've tried various combinations of box layouts, including two vboxes (one for labels, one for lines) and putting them beside each other, but the height differences between the label and line mean only one or two are ever aligned.

Is there a 'sensible' way to do this, or should I just use a bit of maths to align everything, and use the window as a canvas?
Preferably a solution I could do from within qtdesigner and then see how the code works.