Hi everybody,

i tried to configure the QT environment but i've a lot of problems and confusion about the procedure.
I will explain step by step my procedure:

I using a MAC with macOS Sierra Version 10.12.1
Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 10.32.44 AM.jpg

I using xCode Version 8.0 (are installed iOS Device Simulator with version 9.3 and 10.0)
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I download QT for Open source distribution https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/ and run QT Creator.

First problem:
When i clicks to preferences->Buid & Run i sees the Qt Version "Qt 5-7-0 for iOS" with yellow warning and message "Not all possible target can be supported due to missing compilers".
Why the system shows this message? How i can fix this message?
Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 10.41.31 AM.png

Second problem:
When i clicks to preferences->Build and Run i sees the Kits "iphonesimulator-clang Qt 5.7.0 for iOS" with yellow warning.
Why the system shows this message? How i can fix this error?
Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 10.42.21 AM.jpg

I think this 2 problems are the cause for all my future problems for example when i run the HelloWorld application.
If i run with Desktop kit works fine.
If i run with other iphoneos or iphonesimulator kits the system shows the "Project ERROR: Current iphonesimulator SDK version (10.0) is too old. Please upgrade Xcode" error.
I tried to commented the SDK version control in the sdk.prf file but when i runs the application i've other error like Xcodebuild failed.

Could you please help me to understand if i missing something?

My other confusion is how to Deploy the HelloWorld application to iOS Device (i've all licenses for develop and deploy in iOS).
Is essential to run the QT Project with xCODE? If yes i found commands line to covert the .pro app in xCode project. But seems there are a lot of problems, perhaps because is essential to fix the errors above.

Thanks in advance for the help. If you need other info or screenshot please not hesitate to let me know.
