Hi all.

E.g. I have some Plot with two axes (X and Y). I need to implement changing of
the Y-axis range using "dragging" with the mouse. It is looks like the user dragging
the Y-axis to up or down (like using wheels scrolling).

I have implemented the mouse filter and intercept the MousePressed/Move/Released
events. In this case I just re-calculate the desired Y-axis ranges and change its

Qt Code:
  1. ...
  2. QwtPlot::setAxisScale(axis, newMin, newMax, newStep);
  3. ...
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

It is similar to the code from the "event_filter" example with the scrollLeftAxis()

BUT, I'm not sure that is is best way in point of view performance. Maybe is it
better to use the QwtPlotZoomer or other stuff? Could, please, someone advise
something for this issue?
