Hi, franbogaz.

If I understood your problem well.
Perhaps your problem of loss of information is related to serial cable (manufacturing quality) or connection parameters.

I'm finding it strange that your serial connection configuration.
I've been searching the Internet and I think you should use the following:

Qt Code:
  1. 1. serial-> setPortName ("COM7");
  2. 2. serial-> setBaudRate (19200); // Rate = 19200 * 3.32 * log (4) ... Rate = 38Kbps.
  3. 3. serial-> setDataBits (QSerialPort :: Data8);
  4. 4. serial-> setParity (QSerialPort :: NoParity);
  5. 5. serial-> setStopBits (QSerialPort :: OneStop);
  6. 6. serial-> setFlowControl (QSerialPort :: SoftwareControl); // Software flow control (XON / XOFF).
  7. 7. serial-> setReadBufferSize (400);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

It is more common to use these settings to access equipment via the serial port