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Thread: Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object

  1. #1
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    Default Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object

    I'm a newbie with the Model/View programming of Qt and have read the Editable Tree Model Example in the Qt documentation. In this example a single object (TreeItem) encapsulates two pieces of information that later are displayed in a single row containing two columns (name and description) thanks to overriding of QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::index() and QVariant QAbstractItemModel::data().

    I have a custom class (e.g. Foo) containing two pieces of information (Foo::m_name and Foo::m_description) that I want to display in a single row containing two columns, but instead of subclassing QAbstractItemModel I want to subclass QStandardItemModel because it has some much functionality. However, it seems I must create two QStandardItem objects, one to edit/display m_name and another to edit/display m_description. Is there some standard design scheme to manage a single Foo object in memory while having more than one QStandardItem object to handle different attributes of Foo?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object

    No, but you can subclass QAbstractTableModel to get much of the table handling logic for free and still have your own internal data structure.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object

    I just found a post in qtcentre suggested Chapter 4 of Advanced Qt Programming and lo and behold, there's a discussion of a tree subsclassing QstandardItemModel and QStandardItem where each row of the tree is made up of three QstandardItem objects handling different properties of a single object.
    The implementation source code is freely available

    Basically, one has:

    Qt Code:
    1. class myItem : public QStandardItem {
    2. public:
    3. myItem(Foo &afoo) : QStandardItem(afoo.getName()), m_foo(afoo) {
    4. m_description = new QStandardItem(afoo.getDescription());
    5. }
    6. QstandardItem *m_description; // display m_description
    7. private:
    8. Foo &m_foo;
    9. };
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    and then we insert a row of two QstandardItem in our model tree

    Qt Code:
    1. class myModel: public QStandardItemModel {
    3. StandardItem *myModel::appendRow(QStandardItem *parent, Foo &afoo)
    4. {
    5. auto *doublet = new myItem(afoo);
    6. parent->appendRow(QList<QStandardItem*>() << doublet
    7. << double->m_description);
    8. return nameItem;
    9. }
    10. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Two QStandardItem objects handling different attributes of same object

    Sounds like you would rather want a custom model that operates on your Foo objects.


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