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Thread: qt is cross-platform to everting?

  1. #1
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    Default Re: qt is cross-platform to everting?

    I want to know if it's possible to compile applications for IOS and Android on Qt on any Linux distribution platform. Or is it just using MacOs that I can develop using the tools for IOS?
    Well, as I've seen it's possible to just add the Android development tools (ant, sdk, jdk and ndk) that I can compile for Android, I want to be able to compile for IOS too, but I do not really know how to add the tools and if it is only in the Apple environment that is possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by joaovictor View Post
    I want to know if it's possible to compile applications for IOS and Android on Qt on any Linux distribution platform. Or is it just using MacOs that I can develop using the tools for IOS?
    Well, as I've seen it's possible to just add the Android development tools (ant, sdk, jdk and ndk) that I can compile for Android, I want to be able to compile for IOS too, but I do not really know how to add the tools and if it is only in the Apple environment that is possible.
    for to know if is really needed a virtual machine haha

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    Default Re: qt is cross-platform to everting?

    You can develop for Android on basically all desktop platforms, but Apple has not provided their tools for any other platform than MacOS.


  3. #3
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    Lightbulb Re: qt is cross-platform to everting?

    Está aÃ* uma questão que precisa ser melhorada para todo o planeta! Desmonetização! Muito Obrigado pela ajuda! você me ajudou agora vou focar em desenvolver!

    This is a question that needs to be improved for the whole planet! Demonetization! Thanks a lot for the help! You helped me now I will focus on developing!

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