Hi, I'm new to qt/qwt and am having some performance issues with large datasets. (linux OS, qt 5.7, qwt-6.1.3)
I've been looking at a few post about using QwtSeriesData as a data bridge for large datasets, thus having no need to copy the data into a QVector.

My dataset consists of a large array of doubles and a static increment value, e.g.
Qt Code:
  1. int numPoints = 10000000
  2. double data[numPoints]
  3. double delta = .054;
  4. QVector<QPointF> points
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

As of now I copy the data with an associated x value into a QVector<QPointF>
Qt Code:
  1. for (i=0; i<numPoints; i++)
  2. {
  3. time = (i)*delta;
  4. points.append(QPointF(time, data[i]))
  5. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

but unfortunately with my limited experience I'm unsure how to best reuse the linked examples for my application. Any basic examples to get me started would be much appreciated.