
I have a problem with memory analysis on generic linux device.
I have create a kit for generic linux device. Device is connected via LAN, build and run on remote device works fine without any problem. But when I try to use a valgrind memory analysis then I got error:

Qt Code:
  1. valgrind: /home/root/ramcam: No such file or directory
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The path "/home/root/ramcam" is path where is my app store on remote linux device. File ramcam is really exist on the path, I checked it.

It look like that valgrind try to find it on my local PC, not on remote device.

In Qt creator is also a button "Valgrind memory analyzer (external remote application)", at documentation I read that is for application without .pro file and this is not my case.
When I create a desktop application then debugger and memory analyzer work fine.

Can you advise me what am I do wrong? How to start valgrind memory analyzer on genereic linux device over a Qt?

Thank you for your help and ideas