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Thread: Problem with library when i change kit

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down Problem with library when i change kit

    Hey guys, so here's the thing:
    I'm cross compiling a web browser made in qt using QtWebKit. I was able to successfully compile/run on my OS (Linux), but when i change to my embedded kit, it gives me an error saying: "QtWebKit/QtWebView: No such file or directory".

    Can i import that library from my other kit? If so, how?

    I have Qt 5.5.1 to my linux and Qt 4.7 to my Embedded.
    Thanks for the attention <3

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Problem with library when i change kit

    Can i import that library from my other kit?
    No, because it was built for your linux OS, not your embedded OS. Probably the version of Qt you are using for your embedded OS does not have QWebkit built for it by default. You will have to build QWebkit (using your cross-compiler kit, not your linux kit) and install it into the proper place in the embedded Qt hierarchy.
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