i have qt 5.2.1 in centos6.6 (32 bit) linux, in vmware machine. mysql in another VM. mysql is connection from client

to server is successful. But when i want to build plugin for mysql database connectivity by command :
Qt Code:
  1. # /opt/Qt5.2.1/5.2.1/gcc/bin/qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r" mysql.pro
  2. # make
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
this gives following error :
Qt Code:
  1. /export/home/pb2/build/sb_0-14135570-1421675634.15/rpm/BUILD/mysql-5.6.23/mysql-5.6.23/mysys/my_getsystime.c:44: undefined
  2. reference to `clock_gettime'
  3. collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  4. make: *** [../../../../plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlmysql.so] Error 1
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
how to solvw this