I ran lupdate on my code and made two translation files, bezitopo_en.ts and bezitopo_es.ts . I compiled the program, getting .qm files, and tried to run the program in Spanish. It came up in English. What's wrong?

Here's my main program:
Qt Code:
  1. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  2. {
  3. QApplication app(argc, argv);
  4. QTranslator translator;
  5. if (translator.load(QLocale(),QLatin1String("bezitopo"),QLatin1String("_"),QLatin1String(":")))
  6. app.installTranslator(&translator);
  7. TinWindow window;
  8. window.show();
  9. return app.exec();
  10. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Here's the relevant part of CMakeLists.txt:
Qt Code:
  1. find_package(Qt5Core)
  2. find_package(Qt5Widgets)
  3. find_package(Qt5Gui)
  4. find_package(Qt5LinguistTools)
  5. qt5_add_resources(lib_resources viewtin.qrc)
  6. qt5_add_translation(qm_files bezitopo_en.ts bezitopo_es.ts)
  8. add_executable(viewtin angle.cpp arc.cpp bezier.cpp bezier3d.cpp binio.cpp breakline.cpp
  9. cidialog.cpp circle.cpp cogo.cpp color.cpp
  10. contour.cpp csv.cpp document.cpp drawobj.cpp ellipsoid.cpp
  11. geoid.cpp geoidboundary.cpp halton.cpp kml.cpp
  12. latlong.cpp ldecimal.cpp linetype.cpp
  13. manysum.cpp measure.cpp measurebutton.cpp penwidth.cpp
  14. pnezd.cpp point.cpp pointlist.cpp polyline.cpp projection.cpp
  15. ps.cpp qindex.cpp quaternion.cpp random.cpp relprime.cpp rendercache.cpp
  16. rootfind.cpp segment.cpp spiral.cpp spolygon.cpp test.cpp tin.cpp
  17. tinwindow.cpp vball.cpp vcurve.cpp viewtin.cpp zoom.cpp zoombutton.cpp
  18. ${lib_resources} ${qm_files})
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
And here are the commands I tried:
Qt Code:
  1. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANGUAGE=es_ES ./viewtin &
  2. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANGUAGE=es ./viewtin &
  3. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANG=es_ES.utf8 ./viewtin &
  4. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANG=es ./viewtin &
  5. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANG=es_CO ./viewtin &
  6. ~/build/bezitopo/dbg$ LANG=es_ES ./viewtin &
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I brought the binary up in Okteta and looked for one of the strings in UTF-16, but didn't find it. What am I doing wrong? The resources (icons) work just fine.