I have a C application which wants to notify qt application for some value changed on Linux OS platform, what is the best way to do it, please help.
I have a C application which wants to notify qt application for some value changed on Linux OS platform, what is the best way to do it, please help.
The "best way" depends on your requirements.
What you are looking for is a form of IPC (Inter process communication).
Search google for "IPC methods linux".
One good link I found is this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...chnique-to-use
But have a look at google - there are many other good sources about IPC on the internet.
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S.O.L.I.D principles (use them!):
Do you write clean code? - if you are TDD'ing then maybe, if not, your not writing clean code.
Thanks for your quick reply.
But I would like to have some notification on my qt application side when C application wants to send some message.
I want to avoid polling on my Qt application side.
Please reply if something similar is possible, otherwise I can do this in different thread and when value is really changed I can notify main thread for that notification.
Have a look a DBus - or QDBus.(http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtdbus-index.html)
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S.O.L.I.D principles (use them!):
Do you write clean code? - if you are TDD'ing then maybe, if not, your not writing clean code.