Hi all,

I have an SVG (a square with some contents) that I need to be fully visible on a QGraphicsView, and its origin I need it on the center of the SVG. What I am doing right now, (in PyQt5) in the __init__ method of the QGraphicsScene subclass, is:

# open the image
self.renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(target)

# the QGraphicsView widget has this size
self.imageRect = QtCore.QSize(550,550)

# instantiate a QPainter, with its image
self.image = QtGui.QImage(self.imageRect, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
self.painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.image)

# render the SVG onto the image

# set the image as the background brush of the scene

# translate the painter
self.painter.translate(-550/2, -550/2)

Wait I get is an image whose center is (0,0), but this (0,0) is still the top-left corner. If I set the sceneRect of the QGraphicsView to be

targetView.setSceneRect(-550/2, -550/2, 550, 550)

Then I get the bottom-right corner of the original image only, but this time properly centered in the QGraphicsView.

Any idea on how can I get this image centered in the view, with the origin on the center of it?

Thank you!