My application is written to run using a 3rd party DLL. The 3rd-party DLL is not thread safe. The application works as expected when each of (900+) threads execute one after another. When threads execute concurrently to QThreadPool::maxThreadCount - the application throws exceptions. I considered working around the limitation by executing each thread instead of within the context of a single application process but as a QProcess application. So for 10 tasks, the application would launch 10 QProcess processes (each QProcess working a single task).

Note, regarding the application - the application can open 100s of task threads. I understand it is necessary to implement a processing throttle which mimics QThreadPool::maxThreadCount.

In the spirit of "what can be done" are there thoughts / guidance on strategy to implement QProcess (or other approach) with Qt 5.12? If there is an example starter project - would greatly appreciate it.

Very best regards,

Tim Peer