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Thread: An idea for two QML apps

  1. #1
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    Default An idea for two QML apps

    Hi all,

    I want to develop two QML apps for Android devices, one installed only on the admin's device sending data (text, int and image) to a free physical sever and the other installed on many customers' devices receiving the data sent by the admin's app from that physical server. So the admin's app only sends new data over Internet, not on a shared network, and the clients' app only shows that data.
    The server must store (for a while) and forward the data to those client apps.

    For this I think I need to tackle the following two issues:
    1- To know if there is such a sever which freely offer these two services.
    2- Develop the clients' app so that it can fit the new data into itself and show it to customers.

    Will you please guide me if such a task is possible by QML programming and if so, what steps should I go through?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: An idea for two QML apps

    Neither of your questions/tasks is related to QML/QtQuick.

    For the server part you can probably use Firebase Cloud Messaging.

    For the client part this can then probably also be solved using that service's C++ client API


  3. The following user says thank you to anda_skoa for this useful post:

    franky (1st July 2019)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: An idea for two QML apps

    you can probably use Firebase Cloud Messaging for the server part

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