Hi there,

just noticed an interesting behavior. When a QLineEdit is set to readonly, and it is focused and looses focus again, the editingFinished() signal is emitted. This is somewhat unexpected, since "readonly" means there won't be any editing, right?

The relevant code is in qlineedit.cpp:1895 (in Qt 5.11.3):
Qt Code:
  1. if (reason != Qt::PopupFocusReason
  2. || !(QApplication::activePopupWidget() && QApplication::activePopupWidget()->parentWidget() == this)) {
  3. if (hasAcceptableInput() || d->control->fixup())
  4. emit editingFinished();
  5. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The signal is emitted without checking the "readonly" state.

Is this expected behavior or should I post a bug-report?
