
i used qwt for many years without any problems with the msvc2012-2013-2016-2017-2019 ide. Now i have the problem that i cannot compile
my software without a linker error message which says: "error LNK2001: ""public: static struct QMetaObject const QwtPlot::staticMetaObject" (?staticMetaObject@QwtPlot@@2UQMetaObject@@B)"

This problem is new to me and i have this error only in the debug version of the software and only for the 2 classes inherited from QwtPlot.

I found a solution from someone how add the QWT_DLL argument to the preprocessor line. But this doesent work for me. I updated also to the newest version of qwt 6.1.4 but this
also do not solve my problem.

Can anyone give me a tip how to solve this problem?

Best regards,
