Quote Originally Posted by d_stranz View Post
It may not be the reason, but you are calling QProcess::start() incorrectly. The preferred way is to specify the first argument as a QString containing the name of the program to be executed (your youtube-dl.exe), and the second argument a QStringList where each item in the list is one of the individual command line arguments. In your case, this should be:

Qt Code:
  1. QString program = "D:\\YTDownloader\\youtube-dl.exe";
  2. args << "-e" << "--no-playlist" << "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V-wwfuxZxw";
  3. process->start( program, args );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Also, Task Manager has a default update rate. (View->Update speed) If your process starts and ends in less time than the update interval, it may not show up.
Thank you very much!