Hi everybody, hi Uwe.
I'm using a QwtPlot (based on the oscilloscope example) to show live data with one or more QwtPlotCurve. Optionally there are markers (QwtPlotMarker) and one QwtPlotTextLabel shown in the plot.
The z-order (QwtPlotItem::setZ()) for the curves is 1, for the QwtPlotMarker z is 2 and 3 for the QwtPlotTextLabel.
The z-order for the marker and the label is working correctly (the label is always on top of the marker), but the curves are sometimes on top of everything and sometimes everything is shown in the right order. The curves are updated using QwtPlotDirectPainter::drawSeries().
Code for the plot: https://github.com/knarfS/smuview/bl.../plot/plot.cpp
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Added after 55 minutes:
Sorry but I totally forgot:
When I activate replot() in Plot::update_curves() (https://github.com/knarfS/smuview/bl.../plot.cpp#L686), the z-order is working, but the curves starts to flicker when there are ~500 samples shown...