Hi everyone,
I have following situation:
I use QwtPlot to plot something and I use QwtLegend to draw legend from it. I made it like this:
mQwtLegend = new QwtLegend(mPlot); // mPlot is QwtPlot*
mPlot->insertLegend(mQwtLegend, *mLegendCurrentPosition);
The thing is I also made a checkbox for the user to decide whether something plotted should be visible or not.
It works as intended, but my legend somehow still shows everything. I tried e.g.
after hiding the plot, unfortunately without results.
From what I read, before newest version it was possible to get access to LegendItem and set visibility manually -> right now it's maintained in a way I don't understand and I cannot make it right.
Could someone please help me with that?
Thanks in advance :).