
I found some questions about it, but no realy solution.

I try

Qt Code:
  1. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER UpdateCategoriesLastModifiedTime UPDATE OF categories_description, categories_title, categories_status ON categories BEGIN UPDATE categories SET last_modified=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE categories_id=categories_id END")
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
and get the Error:

Qt Code:
  1. incomplete input Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden"
  2. Function Name: static bool Database::open(bool) "cannot commit - no transaction is active Der Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden"
  3. Function Name: static bool Database::open(bool) "END"
  4. Function Name: static bool Database::open(bool) "near \"END\": syntax error Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden"
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Can anyone help me?

lg Chris