I have a program that when I build with 5.14.1 everything works fine. I can run from qtcreator and from outside qtcreator (I'm running win 10). When I build with 5.15.0 it runs fine from qtcreator, but when I try to run the exe directly I get the following entry point is not found:

_ZNK7QString5splitE5QChar6QFlagsIN2Qt18SplitBehavi orFlagsEENS2_15CaseSensitivityE

I am using all the same sources and simple switch to build with 5.15.0. I would appreciate some clues as to how to debug this. I'm being brief here as I'm not surewhat more information would be useful. I don't have the same symbol in the 5.14.1 map, but there is one that has Qt15Split instead of Qt18Split.

Thanks for any help you all can provide.