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Thread: QWebview https link loading issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
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    Unhappy QWebview https link loading issue

    I am completely new to Qt and using Qt 5.5.1 version. I need to load an https link in my QWebview widget. But it is not loading. I tried with a different 'https' link address. Some will load, but some others will fail to get load. I googled the issue and found that it is due to an SSL error. If then how I am supposed to rectify this using OpenSSL. I am using Ubuntu 16. Can someone share any sample codes in Qt5.5.1? If there is any version issue for SSL error to be rectified, Can someone suggest methods for upgrading?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QWebview https link loading issue

    Quote Originally Posted by AXA View Post
    I am completely new to Qt and using Qt 5.5.1 version. I need to load an https link in my QWebview widget. But it is not loading. I tried with a different 'https' link address. Some will load, but some others will fail to get load. I googled the issue and found that it is due to an SSL error. If then how I am supposed to rectify this using OpenSSL. I am using Ubuntu 16. Can someone share any sample codes in Qt5.5.1? If there is any version issue for SSL error to be rectified, Can someone suggest methods for upgrading?
    How about you share anything at all about the actual error, the code you are running, the site(s) involved... could be certificate problems, name resolution problems, missing libraries, bad code, poor assumptions...
    Start with a small self-contained program that demonstrates the problem, the site and the errors delivered by sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors).
    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -- Einstein
    If you are posting code then please use [code] [/code] tags around it - makes addressing the problem easier.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: QWebview https link loading issue

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisW67 View Post
    How about you share anything at all about the actual error, the code you are running, the site(s) involved... could be certificate problems, name resolution problems, missing libraries, bad code, poor assumptions...
    Start with a small self-contained program that demonstrates the problem, the site and the errors delivered by sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors).
    i got the issue solved by trying with networkAccessManager() and sslErrorHandler for rectifying ssl error.

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