
I'm currently writing the save/load system of my application and I have a few questions about practicality and good practices.
I have a lot of data that are used by different classes. So I create another class which hold all the data of the project (or at least, the data that are shared by other classes and the one I want to save).
Is it a good way to do thing or is it wrong (the data can basically be accessed by any other class)? And if not, how should I design my save/load system to get/set all the information I want to save/load in a practical way?

The other question I have is about slot/signal organisation. Each time something change on the screen, a lot of other elements have to adapt. By looking of what I did with the centralization of the variables, I thought I could do the same with the slots and signals. Like make another class which only serve as a hub to connect signals of some classes to the slots of other classes. But I think it may be going to far? But on the other hand, my connections start to become a little ovewhelming and it sounds like it could make things easier this way.